
The Generosity Path Book

The Generosity Path: Finding the Richness in Giving

by Mark V. Ewert
Published by Skinner House Books

This book shows that being a philanthropist is often more connected to a way of thinking than it is to simply being wealthy. If offers concrete and easy-to-implement steps to make the mindset shift from being a donor to becoming a philanthropist. 
Phyllis Caldwell,  former President of Washington Area Women’s Foundation

Many people give money away without a grounding in their own motivations and desires, or the information needed to make skillful and effective charitable gifts. They may be missing the satisfaction that comes from making a real difference in the things they care about most. The Generosity Path guides this transition from being an occasional and haphazard donor to being a deliberate and ambitious one – a philanthropist.

Its chapters shed a different light on our finances – connecting money to our values, beliefs, and loves. Inspiring and personal stories enrich the discussion of how a practice of financial generosity develops, what its challenges are, and the deeper benefits people might expect from being more intentional with their giving.

The Generosity Path is also a practical guide to skillfulness and strategy in charitable giving. Two unique features of the book are the inclusion of information about addressing economic challenges in our culture and the opportunities for collective giving; in a family, community setting, or giving circle. Because money can be a sensitive issue, tools for reflection and preparation are provided to further the reader’s own ideas and actions.

If generosity is about being authentically present with other people and leveraging the fellowship of community, then Mark has given his readers a real gift through the personal experiences and curated stories he shares so eloquently here in this book.                                                                                                                                                       – David Greene, CFP® Vice President, Bernstein Global Wealth Management and author of Dollars and Sense: Ten Fundamentals of Financial Success

Purchase the book today at your local book store, online, or through the publisher.

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