
Stewardship Consulting

Building a Stewardship Culture

We live in a culture fueled by getting and spending, where financial status often determines the quality of our life and health, and where there are great fears about having enough money. Self-Supporting communities have the opportunity to realize their missions through greater financial support, and to call their constituents (congregants, members, donors) to greater stewardship: the task of aligning their faith, values, and loves with their resources.

Mark Ewert can support your organization through consultation in areas that may include:

  • Organizational Assessment & Recommendations
  • Launching a Stewardship Community of Practice
  • Create a New Mission & Vision
  • Strategic Planning
  • Annual Giving
  • Special and Major Gifts
  • Planned Giving
  • Capital Campaign

TemmersonThanks so much for your good words and for your very good work with our congregation. I feel your visit was an enormous blessing and that no matter what the final totals of the budget drive may be, the stewardship culture of this congregation is already shifting. And we owe you an enormous of debt of gratitude for that! 
– Rev. Tim Temerson, Senior Minister

Please contact me to discuss your needs.



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