Definition: A noun derivative of generous
Generous (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd Ed. (2005))
- Function: adjective
- freely giving more than is necessary or expected.
- kind towards others.
- larger or more plentiful than is usual.
- Origin: originally in the sense “of noble birth”: from Latin generosus ‘noble, magnanimous’.
About Generosity:
- Generosity is supported by all of the major religious traditions and is universally considered a “virtue.”
- Money is a sensitive topic that people often consider private.
- Philanthropy is “hot” right now and is becoming more a part of the mainstream culture.
- Some people are using charitable giving as a new kind of consumerism: as a way to establish status, as a type of intangible acquisition.
- Generosity as a spiritual endeavor.
- Financial generosity can contribute to feelings of “generativity” (Eric Ericson – to care for and guide the next generation), achievement, satisfaction, belonging, and connectedness.
- Generosity is a cornerstone of social justice work. It can correct disparities and bridge the gap between groups of people.
Deep Satisfaction is not something you can purchase;
ironically, it is gained more directly by giving money away.
– Mark Ewert